SAT practice quiz 12

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1. Find the word having same meaning as “blunder; social mistake ” ?


2. Find the word having same meaning as “bulky; difficult to carry [encumber = to burden] ” ?


3. Find the word having same meaning as “(v) 1 to lose energy; 2 to signal ” ?

4. Find the word having same meaning as “hardened; habituated ” ?


5. Find the word having same meaning as “shun; avoid ” ?


6. Find the word having same meaning as “shunning; social isolation [ostracize (v)] ” ?


7. Find the word having same meaning as “spirited [mettle (n)] ” ?


8. Find the word having same meaning as “narrow-minded; excessively [prudery (n), prude (n)]concerned with morals” ?


9. Find the word having same meaning as “cunning; scheming [connive (v)] ” ?


10. Find the word having same meaning as “quirk; minor weakness ” ?


11. Find the word having same meaning as “refuse to have dealings with ” ?


12. Find the word having same meaning as “unoriginal, obvious saying ” ?


13. Find the word having same meaning as “mysterious; magical ” ?


14. Find the word having same meaning as “daring; audacity (has a negative connotation) ” ?


15. Find the word having same meaning as “type of song sung by sailors ” ?


16. Find the word having same meaning as “give gift; provide with money etc ” ?


17. Find the word having same meaning as “disgusting ” ?


18. Find the word having same meaning as “lack of honesty or integrity ” ?


19. Find the word having same meaning as “electroplated; coated with thin layer of metal ” ?


20. Find the word having same meaning as “cunning; deception; double dealing ” ?


21. Find the word having same meaning as “treat tight with substance such as tar to make water-” ?


22. Find the word having same meaning as “forerunner of the photograph ” ?


23. Find the word having same meaning as “talking down to someone [condescending (a)] ” ?


24. Find the word having same meaning as “1 something similar; 2 output proportional to input (engineering) ” ?


25. Find the word having same meaning as “serving as a guardian [tutelage (n)] ” ?


Question 1 of 25

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