GRE/SAT final preparation quiz 5

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1. Find the word with meaning “(v) to play with “?


2. Find the word with meaning “1 chop into small pieces; 2 walk with tiny steps, 3 speak in an affected manner “?


3. Find the word with meaning “made dirty or impure [opposite unsullied; sully (v)] “?


4. Find the word with meaning “dead flesh; carcasses “?


5. Find the word with meaning “ineffective “?


6. Find the word with meaning “1 annoyance (n); 2 to stimulate interest; to annoy (v) “?


7. Find the word with meaning “material invented used for writing on before paper was”?


8. Find the word with meaning “person afraid of foreigners “?


9. Find the word with meaning “1 minor (a); 2 perceived insult (v) and (n) “?


10. Find the word with meaning “most (n)] typical; the perfect example of [quintessence”?


11. Find the word with meaning “softening (a); something which softens (n) “?


12. Find the word with meaning “1 slow (a); 2 to think over (v); 3 on purpose (a) “?


13. Find the word with meaning “1 an equal; 2 to stare at; 3 nobleman “?


14. Find the word with meaning “1 vulnerable to; 2 horizontal “?


15. Find the word with meaning “must be obeyed “?


16. Find the word with meaning “to plug; press loose matter down tightly (e g pack explosives into a hole) “?


17. Find the word with meaning “type of musical composition “?


18. Find the word with meaning “1 twisted or bent to one side; 2 dryly humorous “?


19. Find the word with meaning “center; soft part of stem; essence “?


20. Find the word with meaning “cutting; process causing leaves to fall off “?


21. Find the word with meaning “prophetess “?


22. Find the word with meaning “firmness (n) “?


23. Find the word with meaning “vigorous; having well-developed muscles [a sinew is a tendon]”?


24. Find the word with meaning “lack of energy; weariness “?


25. Find the word with meaning “unattractive “?


26. Find the word with meaning “1 surface deposit on teeth or in artery etc; 2 decorative plate or sign”?


27. Find the word with meaning “1 damage to skin caused by scraping; of scraping or rubbing [abrade (v)] 2 process”?


28. Find the word with meaning “examination or survey conducted in advance “?


29. Find the word with meaning “rudeness; ill-mannered behavior “?


30. Find the word with meaning “challenged; called into question “?


31. Find the word with meaning “made worse [exacerbate (v); exacerbation (n)] “?


32. Find the word with meaning “guilt [culpable = blameworthy] “?


33. Find the word with meaning “person who disagrees [dissidence (n)] “?


34. Find the word with meaning “1 raised bank of a river; 2 morning reception held by a monarch”?


35. Find the word with meaning “left-handed “?


36. Find the word with meaning “approval [opp disapprobation] “?


37. Find the word with meaning “neat; dapper; smart “?


38. Find the word with meaning “true [veracity (n)] “?


39. Find the word with meaning “separate; discontinuous (not to be confused with discreet – prudent; diplomatic] “?


40. Find the word with meaning “unorthodox “?


41. Find the word with meaning “person who requests or begs for something [supplicate (v)] “?


42. Find the word with meaning “not intended to be taken seriously “?


43. Find the word with meaning “person who relates a story “?


44. Find the word with meaning “advertising; supporting [tout (v)] “?


45. Find the word with meaning “essence; main point “?


46. Find the word with meaning “new convert; tyro “?


47. Find the word with meaning “kindly; expressing care and concern “?


48. Find the word with meaning “(v) put down for future discussion “?


49. Find the word with meaning “equal in significance “?


50. Find the word with meaning “cover with dots of paint etc”?


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