GRE/SAT final preparation quiz 4

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1. Find the word with meaning “emerging; newly formed “?


2. Find the word with meaning “infallibility; inability to make mistakes [inerrant (a)] “?


3. Find the word with meaning “symbol abundance (horn filled with fruit etc) denoting natural”?


4. Find the word with meaning “assumed attitude of superiority; arrogance “?


5. Find the word with meaning “tendency; inclination “?


6. Find the word with meaning “clique; small with common interests “?


7. Find the word with meaning “mock; tease “?


8. Find the word with meaning “short-lived [evanescence (n)] “?


9. Find the word with meaning “laze around; hang out (when used of the tongue) “?


10. Find the word with meaning “dissolute person; prodigal “?


11. Find the word with meaning “caution; wisdom “?


12. Find the word with meaning “(used of wit) quick “?


13. Find the word with meaning “1 stir up; 2 bathe with hot liquids (medical) “?


14. Find the word with meaning “occurring (n)] in the wrong time period [anachronism”?


15. Find the word with meaning “one who is strict about rules or details “?


16. Find the word with meaning “fragment of pottery “?


17. Find the word with meaning “expressed maxim] tersely [aphorism (n) = short statement;”?


18. Find the word with meaning “present from the beginning of time “?


19. Find the word with meaning “disallow “?


20. Find the word with meaning “aimless; inconsistent in effort “?


21. Find the word with meaning “jagged edge “?


22. Find the word with meaning “multicolored “?


23. Find the word with meaning “expert “?


24. Find the word with meaning “put on (esp of clothes) “?


25. Find the word with meaning “glowing; radiant “?


26. Find the word with meaning “1 shadow; 2 offence; sense of injury “?


27. Find the word with meaning “solo speech “?


28. Find the word with meaning “forewarn of; indicate “?


29. Find the word with meaning “government by the aged “?


30. Find the word with meaning “reclining; lying down”?


31. Find the word with meaning “stubbornness; resistance [intractable (a)] “?


32. Find the word with meaning “grow and spread [proliferation (n)] “?


33. Find the word with meaning “dabbling esp in the arts [dilettante (n) = person who dabbles] “?


34. Find the word with meaning “slight fear; sense of something unfavorable “?


35. Find the word with meaning “1 send (v); 2 speed; celerity (n) “?


36. Find the word with meaning “make less dense [rarefaction (n)] “?


37. Find the word with meaning “phrase used as a label “?


38. Find the word with meaning “weaken; sap energy “?


39. Find the word with meaning “stubborn; wayward; disobedient “?


40. Find the word with meaning “praise; tribute (esp in song) “?


41. Find the word with meaning “quality of being calm and not easily disturbed [imperturbable (a)] “?


42. Find the word with meaning “expressing great scorn [opprobrium (n)] “?


43. Find the word with meaning “something worthless; impurities left after refining “?


44. Find the word with meaning “hidden; real but undeveloped “?


45. Find the word with meaning “mental state characterized by excessive fear “?


46. Find the word with meaning “still in existence (opposite of extinct) “?


47. Find the word with meaning “pretended attack; a move intended to deceive “?


48. Find the word with meaning “hats and hat-making “?


49. Find the word with meaning “excessive; immoderate [intemperance (n)] “?


50. Find the word with meaning “learning; scholarly knowledge [erudite (a)] “?


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