CAT easy level vocab practice test 9

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1. Find the word having same meaning as that of “defying imitation “?


2. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” something that promotes goodness or well-being “?


3. Find the word having same meaning as that of “to stare with open mouth”?


4. Find the word having same meaning as that of “to give up “?


5. Find the word having same meaning as that of “something sharp”?


6. Find the word having same meaning as that of “To talk quickly and incoherently “?


7. Find the word having same meaning as that of “a person, animal or plant with sexual organs of both male and female “?


8. Find the word having same meaning as that of “the mouth open wide with surprise “?


9. Find the word having same meaning as that of “to gape for breath”?


10. Find the word having same meaning as that of “agreement or harmony “?


11. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” to glow or shine “?


12. Find the word having same meaning as that of “gaudy “?


13. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” favorable”?


14. Find the word having same meaning as that of “examine thoroughly”?


15. Find the word having same meaning as that of “ardour”?


16. Find the word having same meaning as that of “letter “?


17. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” of the present time only”?


18. Find the word having same meaning as that of “rest “?


19. Find the word having same meaning as that of “to be stained or discredited”?


20. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” being different in moral standards (from normal)”?


21. Find the word having same meaning as that of “sham”?


22. Find the word having same meaning as that of “being solitary “?


23. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” devious “?


24. Find the word having same meaning as that of “eager and cheerful readiness “?


25. Find the word having same meaning as that of “enjoy warmth and light”?


Question 1 of 25

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