CAT easy level vocab practice test 37

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1. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” praise “?


2. Find the word having same meaning as that of “unaware”?


3. Find the word having same meaning as that of “unconscious”?


4. Find the word having same meaning as that of “writing material”?


5. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” one who shirks his duties “?


6. Find the word having same meaning as that of “behaviour or thought based on a conception of things as one thinks they should be “?


7. Find the word having same meaning as that of “to mar or spoil”?


8. Find the word having same meaning as that of “spirit “?


9. Find the word having same meaning as that of “an inhabitant or frequenter of a particular place”?


10. Find the word having same meaning as that of “confuse”?


11. Find the word having same meaning as that of “settle a quarrel “?


12. Find the word having same meaning as that of “feeling or expressing anger especially at unjust or mean action “?


13. Find the word having same meaning as that of “dry and barren “?


14. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” calm “?


15. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” order given by authority “?


16. Find the word having same meaning as that of “to assess the value “?


17. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” producing a bad odour “?


18. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” To be on close terms (with the government) “?


19. Find the word having same meaning as that of “sticky “?


20. Find the word having same meaning as that of “puzzle”?


21. Find the word having same meaning as that of “; committed to a party”?


22. Find the word having same meaning as that of “covered hole as a trap”?


23. Find the word having same meaning as that of “silly”?


24. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” obstacle”?


25. Find the word having same meaning as that of “a mob “?


Question 1 of 25

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