CAT easy level vocab practice test 30

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1. Find the word having same meaning as that of “trembling “?


2. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” in or into a violent rage or frenzy “?


3. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” tiny bits of wood “?


4. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” marked by indulgence in vices “?


5. Find the word having same meaning as that of “show off complacently “?


6. Find the word having same meaning as that of “an imaginary ideal place”?


7. Find the word having same meaning as that of “number of ships”?


8. Find the word having same meaning as that of “shortage “?


9. Find the word having same meaning as that of “smell (esp. pleasant)”?


10. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” Having to do with drama “?


11. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” commemoration “?


12. Find the word having same meaning as that of “the act of entering “?


13. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” draw out “?


14. Find the word having same meaning as that of “to offer as example, reason or proof “?


15. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” to quarrel noisily over a small matter”?


16. Find the word having same meaning as that of “seeming too unusual to be possible”?


17. Find the word having same meaning as that of “put something warm (to lessen the pain) “?


18. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” distinguishing marks as emblems of rank “?


19. Find the word having same meaning as that of “to hate “?


20. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” useless person”?


21. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” summary or outline”?


22. Find the word having same meaning as that of “undergo fermentation”?


23. Find the word having same meaning as that of “Surround on all sides “?


24. Find the word having same meaning as that of “make (pain) easier to bear “?


25. Find the word having same meaning as that of “make thin and weak”?


Question 1 of 25

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