CAT easy level vocab practice test 14

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1. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” a place where bees are kept”?


2. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” person who lives alone and avoids people “?


3. Find the word having same meaning as that of “authority”?


4. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” fix firmly by repetition “?


5. Find the word having same meaning as that of “contemptuous reproach”?


6. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” clumsy “?


7. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” cheap “?


8. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” rise”?


9. Find the word having same meaning as that of “take little bites”?


10. Find the word having same meaning as that of “likely to be useful for a purpose”?


11. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” trouble”?


12. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” become quiet or less active”?


13. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” lacking strength”?


14. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” relative, family related as by blood”?


15. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” split”?


16. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” A witty or sarcastic remark “?


17. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” doing or happening of something before the right time “?


18. Find the word having same meaning as that of “bitter quarrel over a long period of time”?


19. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” Inflexible”?


20. Find the word having same meaning as that of “to lessen “?


21. Find the word having same meaning as that of “a person with a special talent”?


22. Find the word having same meaning as that of “containing warning “?


23. Find the word having same meaning as that of “make a lower bid than somebody else “?


24. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” give notice to “?


25. Find the word having same meaning as that of ” Insignificance “?


Question 1 of 25

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